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Kamis, 14 Januari 2016

Forensic Engineering

Forensic engineering is the investigation of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury or damage to property. The consequences of failure are dealt with by the law of product liability. The field also deals with retracing processes and procedures leading to accidents in operation of vehicles or machinery. The subject is applied most commonly in civil law cases, although it may be of use in criminal law cases. Generally, the purpose of a forensic engineering investigation is to locate cause or causes of failure with a view to improve performance or life of a component, or to assist a court in determining the facts of an accident. It can also involve investigation of intellectual property claims, especially patents.
            As the field of engineering has evolved over time, so has the field of forensic engineering. Early examples include investigation of  bridge failures such as the Tay rail bridge disaster of 1879 and the Dee bridge at Chester, England disaster of 1847. Many early rail accidents prompted the invention of tensile testing of samples and fractography of failed components.
            Vital to the field of forensic engineering is the process of investigating and collecting data related to the materials, products, structures or components that failed. This involves inspections, collecting evidence, measurements, developing models, obtaining exemplar products, and performing experiments. Often testing and measurements are conducted in an Independent testing laboratory or other reputable unbiased laboratory.
            Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) and fault tree analysis methods also examine product or process failure in a structured and systematic way, in the general context of safety engineering. However, all such techniques rely on accurate reporting of failure rates, and precise identification, of the failure modes involved.
            There is some common ground between forensic science and forensic engineering, such as scene of crime and scene of accident analysis, integrity of the evidence and court appearances. Both disciplines make extensive use of optical and scanning electron microscopes, for example. They also share common use of spectroscopy (infrared, ultraviolet, and nuclear magnetic resonance) to examine critical evidence. Radiography using X-rays (such as X-ray computed tomography), or neutrons is also very useful in examining thick products for their internal defects before destructive examination is attempted. Often, however, a simple hand lens may reveal the cause of a particular problem.

(Source :

            Rekayasa forensik adalah investigasi bahan, produk, struktur atau komponen yang gagal atau tidak beroperasi atau fungsi sebagaimana dimaksud, menyebabkan cedera atau kerusakan properti. Konsekuensi dari kegagalan ditangani oleh hukum kewajiban produk. Lapangan juga berkaitan dengan proses dan prosedur yang menyebabkan kecelakaan dalam operasi kendaraan atau mesin menapak. Subjek diterapkan paling sering dalam kasus-kasus hukum perdata, meskipun mungkin digunakan dalam kasus-kasus hukum pidana. Umumnya, tujuan penyelidikan rekayasa forensik adalah untuk menemukan penyebab atau penyebab kegagalan dengan maksud untuk meningkatkan kinerja atau kehidupan komponen, atau untuk membantu pengadilan dalam menentukan fakta-fakta dari kecelakaan. Hal ini juga dapat melibatkan investigasi klaim kekayaan intelektual, khususnya paten.
            Sebagai bidang rekayasa telah berkembang dari waktu ke waktu, sehingga memiliki bidang teknik forensik. Contoh awal termasuk penyelidikan kegagalan jembatan seperti bencana jembatan kereta api Tay dari tahun 1879 dan bencana jembatan Dee di Chester, Inggris dari tahun 1847. Banyak kecelakaan kereta api awal diminta penemuan uji tarik sampel dan SEM komponen gagal.
            Penting untuk bidang teknik forensik adalah proses investigasi dan mengumpulkan data terkait dengan bahan, produk, struktur atau komponen yang gagal. Ini melibatkan pemeriksaan, bukti pengumpulan, pengukuran, mengembangkan model, mendapatkan produk contoh, dan melakukan eksperimen. Sering pengujian dan pengukuran yang dilakukan di laboratorium pengujian independen atau laboratorium berisi terkemuka lainnya.
            Modus kegagalan dan analisis efek (FMEA) dan analisis pohon kesalahan metode juga memeriksa produk atau kegagalan proses dalam cara yang terstruktur dan sistematis, dalam konteks umum rekayasa keselamatan. Namun, semua teknik tersebut mengandalkan pelaporan yang akurat dari tingkat kegagalan, dan identifikasi yang tepat, dari mode kegagalan yang terlibat.
            Ada beberapa kesamaan antara ilmu forensik dan teknik forensik, seperti kejadian dan adegan analisis kecelakaan, integritas bukti dan pengadilan penampilan. Kedua disiplin membuat ekstensif menggunakan mikroskop elektron optik dan scanning, misalnya. Mereka juga berbagi umum digunakan spektroskopi (inframerah, ultraviolet, dan resonansi magnetik nuklir) untuk memeriksa bukti kritis. Radiografi menggunakan sinar X-(seperti X-ray computed tomography), atau neutron juga sangat berguna dalam memeriksa produk tebal untuk cacat internal mereka sebelum pemeriksaan destruktif dicoba. Seringkali, bagaimanapun, lensa tangan sederhana dapat mengungkapkan penyebab masalah tertentu.

Make 5W1H
1.      What is a forensic engineering ?
Forensic engineering is the investigation of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury or damage to property
2.      Who are the consequences of failure are dealt ?
The consequences of failure are dealt with by the law of product liability
3.      Where did the fall of the Dee bridge ?
The fall of the Dee bridge at Chester, England
4.      When is the Tay rail bridge disaster ?
The Tay rail bridge disaster on 1879
5.      Why there is some common ground between forensic science and forensic engineering ?
There is some common ground between forensic science and forensic engineering because such as scene of crime and scene of accident analysis, integrity of the evidence and court appearances
6.      How does FMEA and fault tree analysis to check the product or process failure ?
FMEA and fault tree analysis to check the product or process failure in a structured and systematic way, in the general context of safety engineering

Verbal Sentences
1.      The consequences of failure are dealt with by the law of product liability
                    S                        tobe  V3                   O                                  
(Present Tense)
2.      The subject is applied most commonly in civil law cases, although it may be of use in
      S          tobe   V3                     O
criminal law cases
       O                     (Present Tense)
3.      The field also deals with retracing processes and procedures leading to accidents in
         S       V3                              O
operation of vehicles or machinery
                O                                      (Present Tense)
4.      Radiography using X-rays (such as X-ray computed tomography)
        S            Ving                    O                                                    
(Present Continuous Tense)
5.      Neutrons is also very useful in examining thick products for their internal defects
       S      tobe              Ving                                    O
before destructive examination is attempted
                      O                                               (Present Continuous Tense)

 Nomina Sentences
1.      Forensic engineering is the investigation of materials, products, structures or
            S                   tobe       V1                              O
components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury
or damage to property
             O                     (Simple Present Tense)
2.      Generally, the purpose of a forensic engineering investigation is to locate cause or
                                                S                                                tobe   V1        O
causes of failure with a view to improve performance or life of a component, or to
assist a court in determining the facts of an accident
                                    O                                             (Simple Present Tense)
3.      Vital to the field of forensic engineering is the process of investigating and collecting
                                    S                          tobe                         Ving
data related to the materials, products, structures or components that failed
(Present Continuous Tense)
4.      This involves inspections, collecting evidence, measurements, developing models,
 S      V1                                                          O
obtaining exemplar products, and performing experiments
                                    O                                                       (Simple Present Tense)
5.      There is some common ground between forensic science and forensic engineering,
  S     tobe  V1                                                 O
such as scene of crime and scene of accident analysis, integrity of the evidence and
court appearances
            O               (Simple Present Tense)

Passive Voice
1.      The product liability law are deal with the consequences of failure
2.      The most often in cases of civil law to apply the subject, although it may be used in cases of criminal law
3.      Retracing the processes and procedures that caused the accident in the operation of the vehicle or engine is also related to the field
4.      X- rays (such as X-ray computed tomography) is used for radiography
5.      In examining thick product for their internal defects before attempted destructive inspection using neutrons

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